My Story

PLEASE NOTE: The Eczema Itch is not a blog about me. It is a blog about eczema. This is simply a page to give a bit of background on why I am so interested in the subject.
I always remember going to school when I was about 4 or 5 years old with bandages covering my arms. I had had yet another eczema flare up and Mum and I found the bandages useful for 3 main reasons.
  1. They stopped me scratching my arms off.
  2. They covered the red raw skin underneath.
  3. They allowed my arms to be covered with copious amounts of greasy creams without ruining my school uniform. 
When asked why I was wearing them I simply lied and said I had hurt my arm. Whether this was out of embarrassment or having a more interesting war story to tell my friends, I am not sure. 
Since those days my eczema has been through cycles of improvement and, more recently, complete deterioration. From childhood I have tried steroid creams, ointments, emollients, lotions, creams, changes in my diet - all to no avail. Some treatments have made my eczema worse, some better and some have had no effect at all. 
I have been referred to a dermatologist; I simply burst into tears and left the room after she told me it was in my genes and she could only give me stronger steroid creams. 
I have asked for skin tests but only had a blood test and which only informed me of an allergy to dust.
More recently, having been on steroid creams for almost a year, I decided to go cold turkey and avoid steroid creams. This led me to to flare up severely and, as a result, I had to take time off work after my eczema (usually contained to my arms and a small patch on my neck) had worked its way around my body including my face, leaving me looking and feeling hideous and depressed. 
I have now been referred to a dermatologist, put on a course of steroids, antihistamines, emollients, soap replacing creams, moisturising creams and topical steroids in an effort to get better. 
I am happy to report that this is working - for now. 

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